Veterinary Massage

Therapeutic Dog Massage in Moline

Dogs can benefit from the soothing, restorative effects of massage just as much as we can. Therefore, we’re pleased to offer dog massage services to our canine patients here in Moline. Whether your dog is active and athletic or elderly and arthritic, we can develop a treatment plan that works for them.
With therapeutic massage and myotherapy, our certified canine massage therapist can relieve your pet’s pain, improve their circulation, and relax muscle spasms. This is achieved by gently placing manual pressure on specific areas known as trigger points. Below, you can see what types of massage we offer at our hospital and how they can help your pet. If you have any questions, call us at (309) 524-5696.

Types of Veterinary Massage

We offer therapeutic massage treatments to accommodate dogs of all ages, sizes, and lifestyles. These include:
Veterinary Massage - Coyne City Line Veterinary Center

How Massage Can Benefit Your Pet

Massage can result in various physical physiological, and psychological benefits:

Meet Our National Certified Canine Massage Therapist (NCCMT)

Sarah Zinger, NCCMT, attended The Chicago School of Canine Massage and graduated from the Advanced Canine Massage program in 2016. Since then, she has become nationally certified through the National Board of Certification for Animal Acupressure & Massage (NBCAAM). Sarah is also certified in CPR and first aid. In addition, she always practices low-stress handling techniques to help her clients feel as comfortable as possible during their appointments.

To schedule your pet’s therapeutic massage session with Sarah, give us a call at (309) 524-5696.
Sarah Z Headshot